Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Types of Art: Performance Art

Peformance Art is where the artwork takes the form of actions performed by the artist/s or approved performers briefed by the artist.
In Europe, the German artist Joseph Beuys was a hugely influential pioneer of Performance art, making a wide impact with his 'actions' from 1963 onwards. At around the same time in the UK, it was the artist duo Gilbert & George taking the scene by storm.

Sorry, no pics were here that could depict the Preformance Art.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Types of Art: Design

Part of applied arts, design comes in many forms, from graphic, fashion, interior, functional to the industrial. Design, in the context of displays in galleries, can be found in objects such as furniture and lighting, but also in the photographic and limited edition prints where graphic design has been used.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Types of Art:Crafts

The art of craft-making can be defined as an occupation or trade which involves manual dexterity and skilled artistry. A significant advent for the crafts was the 'Arts and Crafts Movement' which flourished in the late 19th and early 20th century. The focus was on good design and craftsmanship at a time when there was increased mechanisation and mass production.